The comedy cartoon series The Amazing World of Gumball features a variety of main and supporting characters, all of whom are set in the fictional American city of Elmore. The series follows the daily life of Gumball Watterson and his family – Darwin’s adopted brother, sister Anais, and his parents, Nicole and Richard.
Gumball Watterson is a 12 year old naughty blue cat who lives with his family in the fictional town of Elmore in California. He attended Elmore Middle School in seventh grade with her adopted brother, Darwin, who is 10 years old. Often finding himself and Darwin in various antics that eventually get them into trouble, the episodes in the series’ first season feature Gumball as well-meaning in his actions, but with naive tendencies; Throughout the show’s development, he has established himself as a more serious character who is capable of logical thinking and tends to be sarcastic. In “The Name”, it is known that his real name is “Zach”, however this causes him to develop a split personality, although he seems to recover at the end of the episode, by changing his name to Gumball.
Gumball has a crush on classmate Penny Fitzgerald, who in turn shares the same feelings with him. They initially struggled to properly express their feelings for each other until the episode “The Shell”, where she finally ventured into expressing her feelings after she revealed her true form, and they started dating. In the season 3 premiere it was revealed that Gumball and Darwin were part of a minority of people who did not cross a certain age limit, which at the end of the episode caused them to retreat to their previous point of puberty.
Despite the occasional error in judgment, Gumball remains loyal, straightforward, and kind hearted. He is protective of those he loves, but has a big ego, often causing him to overreact to criticism or out of jealousy.
And here are some gumball coloring pages :